Sales professionals
Success Stories
Success Story
Ryan and Trista, 42 & 41. Ryan is in sales for a tech company, while Trista splits her time as a real estate agent and volunteering at their son Chris’ school. Chris goes to the private high school in town.
Ryan and Trista came looking for help because they can’t seem to get ahead, despite their significant income level. They had put money away in Ryan’s 401k, but Trista did not have a retirement account and they found themselves spending nearly all that they made. They also have saved very little for Chris’ college fund.
“If we could just increase sales this year everything would be fine” they remind themselves. Except last year sales were great and they still are no closer to their goals.
They came to our office feeling overwhelmed and their finances unorganized, as they had a million other things screaming for their attention.
We helped them design a quarterly spending plan that allowed them to intentionally spend their money on what was important to them. This allowed them to save towards their goals of a retirement savings and saving for Chris’ college. Since both had volatile income, we created a budged based on a consistent income stream and saved extra to draw from during leaner months.
Since Trista did not have an employer retirement plan, we created one for her. This has allowed her to save some of her income pretax and help her feel like she has her own retirement account to fall back on.
Ryan and Trista now utilize our personal finance portal, organizing all their financial details and accounts in one location. They can easily track if they are falling into bad spending habits and take corrective measures.
They have a clear path that they can follow that helps minimize the stress that comes from having an unpredictable income dependent on sales.